Friday, June 7, 2013

Results and Analysis

Sequencing Results of Grass Samples.
     When we had added a sample of our extracted DNA to analyze PCR products by gel electrophoresis, we did not get good results. According the gel we extracted, after our sample was loaded, our samples did seem to contain any PCR production (if we had a steady PCR production in our samples a thin purple line would have appeared as a signifier that they were present. None of our samples had resulted with a purple line to indicate that our sample was not producing PCRs).
      After our sample had been sequenced, our samples turned out to only have one successful sequencing, the other two did not have a clear enough letter sequencing to correctly identify the species. You look below you can analyze our results from the sequencing. Once we had blasted the  successful sequence, we found that the most likely species of grass that our sample was was Festuca ovina (sheep fescue), and Deschampsia cespitosa (Tufted Hair-grass). After putting our top results into a family tree with other similar plants, we found its closest relative is wheat, from the similar plants we had selected.
What type of grass are you most likley to be?

Kentucky blue grass

A kind grass this, one is flexible in eviroment, being ideal to fit many climates in the United States.  This grass is extremelly common.  a soft tuch this grass is destined to always make you feel beeter,

Fescus Grass

This grass is perfect to take a picnic with, growing plentyful and bright in spring.  sporting a color change in the winter to darker green.  This grass loves the sun, it also likes to drink.

Buffalo Grass

This grass not only is a lover of the sun, but also the heat.  growing commonlly in states that see sun all year round like flordia.  This grass is a little pricklly having a stron leaf and even stronger roots.  be careful though this grass is pretty and green, it has a sharp blade that may end up cutting you.

Bermuda Grass seed

This grass is the queen of all grasses A perfect grass some would say, having expensive taste.  being grown primarilly on golf courses, this grass is fragile, just walking on it with the wrong shoes could dig it up.  emortional this grass's root system is shallow.

Thursday, June 6, 2013


Background info about the experiment.

        We collected three different grasses that thrived in the exact same environment.  collected from a back yard in Portland Oregon, all three of the species looked different, but had many characteristics that were the same.  the first sample, was a wild grass, that had a round stem and appeared to be able to grow  in any environment that gave it water.  the next was a sample of grass that came from the same lawn that where saud grass had been laid years before. this sample had a wider leaf and a darker green.  this grass had probably been genetically modified to grow well in the environment that the pacific northwest offers. our third and final, sample was grass that had been seeded, the smallest sample that had a weak, but soft stem, that was quite flexible.  This was also probably a seed that had been modified to be comfortable to walk on, but also able to maintain its shape while taking the abuse of foot traffic.

         the  sod is a species named Cynodon Dacycon, this grass is extremely tolerant to drout and high foot traffic.  the species is from Australia and is used in the United States, for commercial properties, golf courses, and residential property owners that want a high grade grass.

        The seeded grass is also called Cynodon Dacycon, this is the same type, but according to my source this grass is modified so that the root system is larger, and is able to thrive well in the young stages in its life.'

       The "Wild Grass" that i collected is the only sample that was successful in producing a DNA barcode.  this grass turned out to be Fesuca Ovina, This is a type of grass that is known for their ability to thrive in a variety of diffrent enviroments.  


sources cited:

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

graph of sample. how confident it was the right letter.

Trimmed Letter Graph of Sample

Primary result of sample

Primary sample result

Family Tree (reference data)

All Percentages of Sequence Alignment of Chosen Relatives

Most alike to original sample ( Festuca ovina, Deschampsia cespitosa, Festuca ovina(genome))

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Team Agreement
Members: Angela May, Noah Millner, and Eli Cox-Skall

Objective: We are testing 3 different types of grass growing in portland, sequencing them to find out what types of grasses they are


3/22/13 Wed- Noah and Eli worked together and stayed through lunch to complete the first stages of the experiment.

Note: Angela was absent on a field trip for Film&Lit

3/24/13 Fri- Angela Eli & Noah did sequencing together. Eli took pictures for the blog during experiment.

3/29/13 Wed- We loaded our samples into the gel using the micropipet.

Jobs Divided:

  • Uploads and adds/ labels pictures on blog
  • Sample info, methods
    writes out team agreement.

  • Type team agreement
  • Experimental design with noah

  • Experimental design with angela
  • Results & Analysis

Monday, May 27, 2013

where we collected our invasive grass from (Eli's backyard)
invasive grass close up
where seeded grass was collected from
pre-gown grass (saud)
above and below are pictures of our 3 difrent spiecies removed from the ground
grinding the sample so that we are able to remove DNA from
condensing sample into tube and grind into soloution.
sample waiting
noah adds RNAse to sample.
samples above and below
this holds are three samples and incubates them in water for thirty minutes. (incubate at 37 degrees celcius)
inside the incubator our sample waits.
we wash out our mortal and pastel. 
we allow our sample to sit on 
we put in the cenerfuge for four minutes and two minutes.
vortexed to mix it.
Removing the supernatant from the test tube.
making sure not to cross contaminate the samples we used different tips for each sample and step. 
allowed our sample to incubate and amplifiy in thermal cycler.
the basic lab kit we used to do the majority of our experiment.  this included a tube holder, tubes, micro pipet and tips, graduayed cylinder.
the rest of these pictures are excess and giving an explanation would only be repetitive.