Thursday, June 6, 2013


Background info about the experiment.

        We collected three different grasses that thrived in the exact same environment.  collected from a back yard in Portland Oregon, all three of the species looked different, but had many characteristics that were the same.  the first sample, was a wild grass, that had a round stem and appeared to be able to grow  in any environment that gave it water.  the next was a sample of grass that came from the same lawn that where saud grass had been laid years before. this sample had a wider leaf and a darker green.  this grass had probably been genetically modified to grow well in the environment that the pacific northwest offers. our third and final, sample was grass that had been seeded, the smallest sample that had a weak, but soft stem, that was quite flexible.  This was also probably a seed that had been modified to be comfortable to walk on, but also able to maintain its shape while taking the abuse of foot traffic.

         the  sod is a species named Cynodon Dacycon, this grass is extremely tolerant to drout and high foot traffic.  the species is from Australia and is used in the United States, for commercial properties, golf courses, and residential property owners that want a high grade grass.

        The seeded grass is also called Cynodon Dacycon, this is the same type, but according to my source this grass is modified so that the root system is larger, and is able to thrive well in the young stages in its life.'

       The "Wild Grass" that i collected is the only sample that was successful in producing a DNA barcode.  this grass turned out to be Fesuca Ovina, This is a type of grass that is known for their ability to thrive in a variety of diffrent enviroments.  

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