Monday, May 27, 2013

where we collected our invasive grass from (Eli's backyard)
invasive grass close up
where seeded grass was collected from
pre-gown grass (saud)
above and below are pictures of our 3 difrent spiecies removed from the ground
grinding the sample so that we are able to remove DNA from
condensing sample into tube and grind into soloution.
sample waiting
noah adds RNAse to sample.
samples above and below
this holds are three samples and incubates them in water for thirty minutes. (incubate at 37 degrees celcius)
inside the incubator our sample waits.
we wash out our mortal and pastel. 
we allow our sample to sit on 
we put in the cenerfuge for four minutes and two minutes.
vortexed to mix it.
Removing the supernatant from the test tube.
making sure not to cross contaminate the samples we used different tips for each sample and step. 
allowed our sample to incubate and amplifiy in thermal cycler.
the basic lab kit we used to do the majority of our experiment.  this included a tube holder, tubes, micro pipet and tips, graduayed cylinder.
the rest of these pictures are excess and giving an explanation would only be repetitive. 

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